What is cryptojacking

Some of the tokens take so little computing power to generate that a relatively weak computer or device, once it has been hacked, can be a useful money-making tool. And because those who solve the problems are rewarded not just for generating new blocks but for verifying transactions, even a slow computer can earn a hacker money—as long as they do not have to pay the electricity bill. When your device or computer is compromised, you are supplying a hacker with both the computing power and the electricity to make money. Cryptojacking is a type of cyberattack where attackers exploit system vulnerabilities to mine cryptocurrency without the target organization’s knowledge. Not only does cryptojacking use the resources of the compromised systems, it indicates broader security issues that other attack types, such as ransomware, could exploit. Malicious software infects a device after a malicious link on a website or in an email is clicked.

tips to prevent cryptojacking attacks

Alternatively, they could just let it run whenever their computer was idling. In 2019, Symantec discovered eight separate apps available in the Microsoft Store that would secretly mine cryptocurrency with the resources of whoever downloaded them. The apps supposedly came from three different developers, although Symantec suspects that the same individual or organization was behind them all.

New Attack Vectors for CVE-2023-22527

What is cryptojacking

The script is run automatically, with code being downloaded onto the users’ computer. These malicious scripts can be embedded in ads and vulnerable and out of date WordPress plugins. When detected, cryptojacking is very difficult to trace back to the hacker. The software used is easier to deploy and harder to detect than traditional hacking methods. Premade software programs are easy to obtain online and once a computer is infected, the cryptomining code runs behind the scenes and can remain undetected for a long period of time.

Secure data with backups

What is cryptojacking

The latter attack comes through a breach in Log4Shell, an open source logging library used by many cloud services and software developers. More Log4Shell attacks are expected with this vulnerability, which the U.S. government predicted will be around for the next decade. Cryptojacking malware can also infect open source code and public application programming interfaces, thereby infecting devices that download the code or API and any software developed using them. Compromised ads can also be placed on a site as pop-unders designed to hide under windows already open on a victim’s computer or phone and avoid detection. This type of malware uses domain generation algorithms to bypass ad blockers and serve ads to all site visitors. Use the experience to better understand how the attacker was able to compromise your systems.

Cryptojacking detection – 3 things to look out for

Reported figures were much worse in 2023, as the number of attempts in the year had surpassed 2022’s total by April. For the first half of 2023, cryptojacking attempts hit a staggering 332.3 million, representing a 399% increase. What is cryptojacking In January alone, a group of cybercriminals created 130,000 accounts across several cloud service providers (CSPs) and virtual private server (VPS) providers to exploit GitHub Actions workflows for cryptojacking.

  • But for larger organizations that might have suffered many cryptojacked systems, there are real costs.
  • And you can also prevent your own crypto from being jacked by using one of the best cryptowallets that offer advanced cryptocurrency protection.
  • Cryptocurrency was an accidental invention in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym), who’s intent was to create a centralized cash system.
  • With so many processes going on in a computer, it can be easy to overlook the risks of cryptojacking.
  • Cryptojacking has its roots in 2011 when Bitcoin was still in its infancy and mainly used by cypherpunks and on illicit online marketplaces.

Cryptojacking explained: How to prevent, detect, and recover from it

What is cryptojacking