how to stop alcohol insomnia

Targeting insomnia during recovery from alcohol dependence may thus improve treatment outcome for the alcoholic patient. When you have sleep apnea, drinking can make the breathing interruptions last longer when you are asleep, leading to more awakenings. Studies have shown that people who drink and have sleep apnea are at a much higher risk of traffic accidents than people with sleep apnea who do not drink alcohol.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

  1. Years ago, I would frequently succeed in quitting drinking for one day.
  2. We’ve covered more on the effects of alcohol on your sleep here, including why it’s not actually a good sleep aid, despite the drowsiness you might feel.
  3. There are ways to stop alcohol from messing with your sleep, though.
  4. As an extended care treatment facility, Midwest Recovery Centers serves to provide intensive recovery treatment for alcohol addiction as well as other life problems.
  5. Quitting alcohol is likely to offer substantial benefits for mental health.

We believe everyone deserves access to accurate, unbiased information about mental health and addiction. That’s why we have a comprehensive set of treatment providers and don’t charge for inclusion. We do not and have never accepted fees for referring someone to a particular center. Providers who advertise with us must be verified by our Research Team and we clearly mark their status as advertisers.

What happens to your body when you stop drinking?

Even though a glass or two may help you initially drift off faster, it probably won’t benefit your sleep quality in the long run. In addition to these six lifestyle hacks, eliminating processed foods and adopting a Mediterranean diet has been shown to slash dementia risk by up to 23%. Experts report that in-person socialization, as opposed to social media interactions, is necessary to stimulate the brain and create the experience of connection. Participants who met with others for social activities more than three times a month or three times a week in their neighborhood were awarded a point towards cognitive health.

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

To stop drinking alcohol, you first need to understand your relationship with drinking. From there, you may need social support, consistent self-care, and new routines that can help redirect your mind. Dealing with the temporary discomfort of insomnia can turn your health around in the long term, and ultimately, it can lead you to a more rested and healthier life. Support groups play an invaluable role in managing insomnia following alcohol cessation. These safe spaces offer emotional backing, shared experiences, coping strategies, and education about insomnia.

How Does Alcohol Affect REM Sleep?

After detox, it’s a good idea to follow up with comprehensive addiction treatment to address what’s driving your addiction. Most residential rehab programs treat sleep hygiene as a core component of their programming, especially in early recovery. They can also connect you with resources like support groups (12-Step and non-12-Step) to support your long-term recovery.

how to stop alcohol insomnia

Stop Drinking At Least Three to Four Hours Before Bed

You may also consider joining an online support group to help you feel less alone. Letting others know about your choice to stop drinking may help motivate you to stick with your decision. What’s most important is looking at your drinking habits and finding a way to cut back that works for you. From month-long sobriety challenges to the Sober Curious movement, more and more people are taking a closer look at the role alcohol plays in their lives. In all, it’s imperative to note that these are merely factors and not binding verdicts. Insomnia is subjective to the person involved as everybody’s body responds differently to different conditions and stimulants.

how to stop alcohol insomnia

Alcohol withdrawal can begin within hours of ending a drinking session. An evidence-based treatment program is an essential step in the alcohol recovery process, and will help avoid a potential medical emergency from the effects of alcohol withdrawal. Additionally, treatment centers provide healthy, balanced meals as part of every recovery program. An alcohol detox diet plan ensures that clients avoid sugary snacks and caffeinated beverages, which exacerbate insomnia and other withdrawal symptoms.

Treating these conditions may be necessary as some individuals experience insomnia due to other health issues. A 2019 study showed that individuals who sleep for under 6 hours each night have a 20% higher chance of heart attack than individuals who sleep between 6 and 9 hours. The information we provide while responding to comments is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The responses to comments on are designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

Some people in recovery may try to start drinking again to improve their sleep. However, the alcohol will continue to damage their sleep cycles, and the problem will not get better. Staying physically active during the day can help you fall asleep at night, as well as promote overall health. Binge drinking occurs when a man has five drinks, or a woman has four drinks within two hours. This pattern of drinking is linked to insomnia, which can develop after binging.

One study on binge drinking and insomnia found that people who binged two days a week had an 84% higher chance of having insomnia. It’s harder to wake the person as they become unresponsive to outside stimuli. This stage is what is referred to as “restorative sleep” – when the body works to repair itself and boost functions.

Setting a regular sleep schedule helps most with alcohol withdrawal insomnia if started at least a week before beginning detox. Once your brain and body have gotten used to the regular presence of alcohol, you’re alcohol-dependent. And once dependence sets in, suddenly stopping drinking can cause a number of reactions. For most people, these include anxiety, agitation, and difficulty falling or staying asleep. It’s possible to become dependent on alcohol within weeks or sometimes even days of use.

This condition occurs once your body has built up a dependence on alcohol and alcohol use suddenly stops, affecting sleep habits. That said, If you’ve been drinking excessively, then stopping drinking cold turkey can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Gillian Tietz is the host of the Sober Powered podcast and recently left her career as a biochemist to create Sober Powered Media, LLC. When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol’s influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol.

If you are one of the nearly two thirds of Americans who drink alcohol, chances are, you’ve had a drink in the hours before bedtime. Maybe you enjoy a glass of beer or wine after dinner, or your weekends include drinking with friends at bars or social events. Long-term alcohol use negatively affects REM cycles and decreases sleep quality. Over time, sleep deprivation can increase the risk of several chronic health conditions.

My favorite amino acid of all is DLPA, which is not specifically used for insomnia. In fact, it’s not advisable to take DLPA before bed, because it is a combination of amino acids that are precursors for neurotransmitters that can make you feel euphoric and motivated. Since insomnia is merely a symptom of biochemical imbalance caused by prolonged drinking and/or withdrawal, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Glutamate, a stress chemical that is suppressed during alcohol intoxication, rebounds to unnaturally high levels during withdrawal. I know this because I’m now an average person who has occasional insomnia. Fortunately, the remedies I’m about to share with you still work for me to this day.

The more alcohol your drink and the closer you drink it to bedtime, the stronger its effects will be. If you have an alcohol abuse problem, you may take longer to fall asleep and get less REM and sleep overall, both when drinking and when in withdrawal. You may also experience insomnia and sleep disturbances when drinking and years after you’ve quit. If you have alcohol use issues, you may experience insomnia when drinking, during withdrawal, and months or years after going sober. And insomnia may increase your risk of relapse when you quit drinking.

The circadian rhythm – the innate biological clock that manages our sleep-wake cycle – holds a crucial role in this narrative. Alcohol is known to disrupt this rhythm, altering our sleep patterns when consumed in excess. When you quit alcohol, the disrupted rhythm doesn’t instantly revert to normal – it takes time to normalize. It reduces the time it takes to nod off (known as sleep onset latency), promoting deep sleep initially.

I was tapered off of this medication slowly over the course of two weeks, because benzodiazepines stimulate GABA receptors powerfully and can cause addiction in a short time span. If all else fails and inpatient rehabilitation is not an option, you may be able to obtain medications for alcohol withdrawal from your doctor. These medications will stimulate your GABA receptors and/or reduce glutamate levels, which can help you sleep.