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In Eastern medicine and philosophy, which discovered long before the West that “everything is energy”, chakras or energy centers have been established and recognized for thousands of years

We all have an inner world and there is no need to doubt that. Understanding the chakras is one of the most effective ways to reach the different levels of consciousness available to us. Chakras open the way for us to identify the type of energy we experience as an experience.

In Eastern medicine and philosophy, which discovered long before the West that “everything is energy”, chakras or energy centers have been established and recognized for thousands of years, and today they are increasingly respected in Western culture.

Chakras are energy centers, transformers of energy that our body connects with the universal cosmic energy (in different cultures this energy is also called qi, prana, orgone …). The chakras absorb this energy, break it down and send it through the energy channels (meridians) to the glands with internal secretion, the nervous system and the blood.

Although there are several chakras, there are usually seven main ones that are located in the middle of the body, and are arranged from the bottom up, so that each one implies a higher level of existence.

Graphically, chakras are conical vortices that rotate at high speed and metabolize energy. Each chakra is a different color that is related to the frequency of energy it metabolizes.

Each chakra has a front and a back. The front is connected with human feelings and the back with the will.

A person is healthy if his chakras are harmonized and open to the flow of energy. The more energy flows through the chakras, the healthier a person is. If the chakra cannot metabolize energy, then it is blocked and certain parts of the body are not supplied with enough energy. In that case, illnesses or various psychological difficulties gradually arise.

The first, basic, chakra is red, lies at the beginning of the pelvis and is connected to the adrenal glands, which means that it controls the pelvis and kidneys. It affects the amount of physical energy and will to live, ie. by conservation, survival, and landing.

If the first chakra is closed or blocked, human vitality is also blocked; it seems that the man is somehow “not there”. There is mental and physical fatigue, lethargy, fear, lack of self-confidence. Man has the feeling that the outside world is something terrible, that no one cares about him and that he is completely alone in the world.

A blocked first chakra can cause anemia, arthritis, hemorrhoids, sciatica, tumors or cancer in the area, varicose veins, poor circulation.

The other, sexual, chakra is orange in color and lies above the genitals, about three fingers below the navel. It affects primarily our emotional life, but as it is related to the reproductive organs, it also affects the ability to give birth, our actions, learning and creation.

This chakra indicates our relationship to the body, sensual enjoyment, the quality of love for a partner as well as providing and receiving physical, mental and spiritual pleasure. If the second chakra is open, a person feels his full strength. If it is blocked, in women it can manifest as the inability to experience orgasm and sensual enjoyment, and in men it leads to premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Blockage of the second chakra can cause learning and memory difficulties, irritability, herpes, painful and irregular menstruation, cysts, impotence or prostate problems.

The third, solar, chakra lies in the area of ​​the stomach, in the solar plexus. It is yellow and affects our consciousness and linear way of thinking.

It is associated with the pancreas, stomach, liver, bile and nervous system. The third chakra provides a sense of connection between the material and etheric bodies. At the center of the solar plexus, it affects our pleasure, spiritual wisdom and awareness of the universality of life. Although this is the mental chakra, its proper functioning is related to emotional life. The child is also connected to the mother by an essential umbilical cord.

If the solar chakra is blocked, passion and heart act separately from each other – that is. passion is not connected with the heart. Also, the closure of this chakra is expressed through fear, anxiety, selfishness, manipulation, feelings of inferiority, stomach ulcers, liver disease, diabetes, anorexia, bulimia and arthritis.

The third chakra is also connected with a person’s attitude towards his own health. It is also the center of healing, associated with spiritual healing.

The fourth, heart, chakra is green. By sanctifying it, the human being becomes a human being. Love is the foundation of this chakra. It is said to be the initiator of love, not only for the individual but also for humanity in general.

This chakra is located in the area of ​​the heart, behind the sternum and is connected to the thymus, which significantly affects the immune system.

Since it lies in the middle, the heart chakra is especially significant because it is both a conductor and a mediator among other chakras.

The fifth, throat, chakra is light blue. It lies at the base of the throat and is associated with a higher form of divine will and the power of words. It acts on the thyroid gland, controls metabolism, the bronchial system and vocal cords, lungs and digestive organs.

This chakra is the center of communication, it affects our will, determination and ability to choose, creativity on a mental level, acceptance of the world and adaptation to the world, as well as the experience of oneself, personal and in society.

Blockage of this chakra is associated with tremor, inability to express oneself, anxiety, recurrent angina, thyroid disease, tooth and gum disease, headaches caused by tension in the upper part of the neck.

The sixth, forehead, chakra is indigo blue. It is also known as the third eye or the eye of wisdom. It is associated with universal love. It lies above the root of the nose, in the middle.

It is connected to the pituitary gland and controls the work of other glands with internal secretion, cerebellum, nose, ears and nervous system.

When we are awake, it is the center of our soul. It affects intuition, the ability of paranormal vision, memory and the ability to visualize, as well as the ability to realize ideas.

If this chakra does not work properly, our mental concepts can be confused and perceptions of reality wrong and negative, making it difficult for us to realize our ideas. When this chakra is unbalanced, we are afraid of our intuitive potentials because we are convinced that we are not intelligent. On the other hand, we can abuse our intellectual power.

Blockage of the sixth chakra causes sinus disease, migraines and headaches, vision problems, nervous breakdown, depression, schizophrenia, brain tumors.

The seventh, crown, chakra is purple and lies on top of the head, just behind the crown. It is associated with the higher mind, knowledge and integration of mind and body. It corresponds to the pineal gland and controls the cerebrum, nervous and muscular system, skin.

The seventh chakra is the chakra of spirituality. Through it we come into contact with our higher selves by channeling energy from the Universe.

Since the crown chakra encompasses the entire human life, its blockade leads to a lack of self-confidence, spiritual ie. personal crises, feelings of meaninglessness of life. This further leads to degenerative diseases, nervous disorders and even bone cancer.

If the crown chakra is open, we feel our spirituality in a special way and as a special form of existence that extends beyond the material world and gives us a sense of completeness, making sense of our existence.


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