Reasons to live an alcohol free life

All your lives will probably go on the same downward spiral together. There are a number of different ways you can start implementing this tactic. You could paste the reason alcohol free lifestyle as a post-it around your house and workplace. You could implement this as a reminder on your phone; or include this in your morning routine and gratitude practices.

  • Many people notice a slight weight loss after 2 weeks of not drinking.
  • Many government sources report that drug abuse violations have the highest number of arrests.
  • Finding or reaching out to other sober people can also help.
  • If you think about it, drinking alcohol makes it less likely that you will exercise.

Alcohol-Free Life: How To Live Happy, Healthy And Sober

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

Therefore, abstaining from alcohol makes it easier for your body to naturally fight off infection and diseases. Some experts claim you will see improvements in your skin in as little as one week after your last drink, and that your skin may completely renew itself within a month. Fitness and an active life are so important to weight loss and overall health.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

Stronger Relationships With Friends

It’s a beautiful community of people, with anonymous online handles. Posting in the community feed whatever your thoughts are, is a great way to feel supported, as people are active in the app and will respond quickly and positively. Surround yourself with people who are also alcohol free (or don’t drink as much). Sometimes, it’s a matter of understanding and remembering what you felt when you first made the decision to cut drinking. There are countless benefits here – including better long-term health, looks, self-esteem, new friends, new hobbies … and much more.

One: Free Yourself from Physical Addiction

Of the many reasons to be drug and alcohol free, a clean conscience is one of the less talked about reasons but one of the best ones. When your conscience is clear, you can wake up each day happy and secure, knowing that you’re on an even footing with the world. You haven’t hurt or harmed anyone, and you’re free to follow your heart’s desires. Thank you for listening to this episode of The Hello Someday Podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about me or the work I do or accessing free resources and guides to help you build a life you love without alcohol, please visit And I would be so grateful if you would take a few minutes to rate and review this podcast so that more women can find it and join the conversation about drinking less and living more.

When we tell you there are so many benefits to going alcohol-free, we’re not kidding!

So, to be part of a community where people absolutely know what you’ve been through. But even if you’re a year, two years sober three years sober, they’re cheerleading you on to the next thing you’re doing. That’s what’s really magical I think about when people like minded people are sober. They, they really cheerlead each other’s successes. So that’s, you know, that’s another good tip. Nutritionally, I’m a really big fan of alcohol free drinks.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

Think of what you can do with that money if you’re not spending it on your substance of choice. Although recovery can seem expensive, when compared to the cost of addiction, it’s well worth your time and effort. Financial freedom offers many benefits and is one of the important advantages of being drug free. And I also think that we’re surrounded by such a boozy culture where drinking is pushed and rewarded.

I am healthy

And every single thing you could think of I was queen of holistic living, yet I was stepping around this massive elephant in the room, that was booze. And when I look back, I think my goodness, how can you have been so incongruent, you know, there was just no authenticity there. I suppose I thought it was my treat, you know, my reward at the end of a busy day. And because it was normal, it was seen as normal. Janey wasn’t alone in not being aware of the negative impacts of alcohol on your health. In fact, alcohol is a top cause of preventable cancer after smoking and obesity – even when it’s packaged in a pretty bottle of Chardonnay.

Reasons to live an alcohol free life

You know, I like a kiwifruit, but I don’t need to join a group about it. So anyway, I think that the nutrition piece and the being prepped with the right snacks and drinks is a super important part of this. Yeah, I think making sure that you are that you have some kind of spirituality or inspirational outlet of some kind. And you will very quickly find that a little voice in Your head will say, Oh, I know you would had a couple of months sober. But oh, what the hell you know, it, won’t it or whatever the boy says to you. Whereas if you can constantly be reminded that life is better, life is better without the booze is that positive sobriety peace?

  • This course is not a 30 day challenge, or a one day at a time approach.
  • Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Experts predict that most drinkers’ livers can return to completely normal function after 4-8 weeks of no alcohol.