fool moon

Much has been known about the importance of the full moon in all ancient cultures. Today, most of us are aware of the variability of feelings in the days of the full moon, and the success of diets after the full moon phase. It is known that accidents occur more often during the full moon and that people are more irritable and aggressive, prone to violence and quarrels. In the full moon phase, the bleeding is more abundant, which is known to surgeons.

According to the basics of traditional Chinese medicine, the Moon is recognized as the yin aspect of nature, and thus represents the yin aspect of our bodies. We can “use” the movement of celestial bodies, and with it we can act on the movement of qi and blood through our bodies, as well as on the balance of yin and yang of the same. On the body, the permeations of these influences are everyday, and allow us to better understand and “read” the signals that are sent to us in a timely manner.

One of the interesting things is that the Ren Mai meridian flows in front of our body, and the Du Mai meridian flows in the middle of the spine. Did you know that the so-called. There are 24 acupuncture points in the anterior canal and 28 in the posterior canal? If we pay attention, we will notice that the numbers are related to the rhythm of nature. 28 indicates the number of days of the average lunar (and menstrual) cycle, and 24 the number of hours per day according to the TCM bases, this time is divided into periods of 2 hours each, which are related to maximum activity of certain organs).

The time of the full moon is the time of pronounced yin activity of the body. It has long been known in Daoist practice that one should intensify one’s meditation on that and neighboring days. Certainly, the Microcosmic Orbit and the activation of bioactive points are one of the most commonly done exercises, but many others are also practiced.

The yin aspect of our body is fluids, which include blood. On the other hand, emotions “float” in the fluids of our body. Many ancient cultures believe that we too should “sail” our emotions. Get to know them, experience them, release them in an adequate way. Not keeping them too much, otherwise, there may be a “flood”.

It is believed that a woman, who is in harmony with the cycles of qi in nature, her cycles and emotions, goes through the menstrual period just around the time of the full moon. Then there is enough blood in the body, and the body releases it with ease. We should not forget that with a certain amount of blood, qi of the body (vital energy) is lost, and that is one of the reasons why some women feel tired after menstruation.

So, the days of the full moon, and especially women, should be dedicated to the care of your body, silently observe the internal processes, pay attention to nutrition (consume more fluids) …

If you practice Qi Gong, you will practice the Microcosmic Orbit and the activation of Laogong points on your palms.

The influence of the full moon phase is the most active and should be used during 9 days.

Full Moon during the winter months – The Moon represents the yin aspect ~ we are still in the yin phase of the year, and the cold of the last days has intensified (cold as a pathological factor and the connection between it and the active kidney organ). In the kidneys, water corresponds to the five elements in the cycle, which is again connected to the flow of both internal and external activities.

Who is recommended to practice Qi Gong especially during the full moon phase?

Qi Gong practitioners, to deepen the experience during the exercises

Women in particular (who are yin by nature)

They are effective in irregular, painful and extensive menstrual cycles, as well as in the absence of the same

With insomnia, anxiety, heightened fears, frequent sadness and crying

With the feeling of “losing rhythm in daily activities”

And be sure to “practice for the sake of”

The time of the full moon signifies the abundance of nature. It is time to stop and see the abundance of our lives, which makes us satisfied and fulfilled.