Quantum healing

quantum healing

THE HOLISTIC PRINCIPLE is thousands of years old and represents the basic principle of the well known Eastern ways of healing. The novelty is in its scientific processing and grounding in the achievements of quantum physics and in its connection with modern biocybernetic technology. As a result, new therapeutic methods have been created that are experiencing an unstoppable rise in the modern world.
One of the basic postulates of biophysical (energy) medicine is that the beginning of every disease occurs at the level of the biofield in the form of disharmonious waves and energy blockages that interfere with the natural circulation of energy through the body (so-called preclinical phase of the disease). Up to a certain intensity, the organism manages to amortize such a state with its innate self-regulatory mechanisms. However, if the external or internal load is high or lasts for a long period of time, self-regulation weakens, the dynamic balance is disturbed, the organism enters a state of energy chaos and begins to function in the red zone.
These changes take place quietly, insidiously and remain unrecognized for the individual. They cannot be diagnosed by the methods of classical medicine either.
If such a condition is not overcome in time, the disorder passes to the level of the physical body, i.e. there is a disease in the classical sense of the word.

Therapeutic goal

  • Detection of all existing blockages and loads on the organism and then their removal or alleviation.
  • Introduction of the organism into energy balance.
  • Raising its entire defense system using all the natural non-aggressive methods available to us.
  • Establishing a physiologically healthy scheme that later functions autonomously and keeps the body in good condition.
  • The ultimate goal of the therapeutic process is to raise the quality of life, ie to achieve: constant energy, mental clarity, resistance to stress and infections, emotional balance, good physical condition, absence of disease

Work procedure

Step 1: Initial conversation with the doctor in which the patient’s health problems and other motives for changing the lifestyle are considered.

Step 2: Intolerance test on basic foods and the formation of an individual diet. Changing the patient’s diet according to this test is the first step towards relieving the body at all levels and is an unavoidable part of the therapeutic process.

Step 3: Energy treatment on a quantum medicine device (QXCI)

  • QXCI is medical software that measures and analyzes thousands of electrical parameters that look at the overall functional condition of the organism, as well as the functions of individual organs.
  • QXCI allows the application of different types of energy therapies that are applied alone or in combination (biofeedback, balancing energy centers (chakras), aura stabilization, autotrivector therapy, RIFE therapy, homeopathic therapy and various approaches to initiate detoxification processes.
  • The method is registered with the FDA

This method enables the initial collection of information about the individual loads of the organism, about its weak fields and possible pathological conditions. After an initial kind of “dialogue” between the patient and the device, the therapist gains insight into disorders in various spheres of the patient’s body: physical, emotional, mental and energetic.
Based on that, the choice of therapeutic action is made, which is completely in line with the individual needs of the organism.
Dynamics of therapy is 2x a week for an hour, 8 therapies within a month. After that, the therapies are less frequent depending on the achieved results.
Therapies are performed virtually (remote therapy) using a picture of a patient of a recent date, at an agreed time. Before and at the end of each therapy, the patient and the therapist have a short telephone conversation.
During and after the therapeutic series, the following is achieved:

  • balancing the patient’s energy status
  • removal of existing blockages
  • strengthening the immune system
  • raising overall vitality
  • greater emotional stability
  • detoxification of the organism
  • disappearance or mitigation of individual problems