Oak Tree Center

Become stable and powerful like an oak, overcome all unrest and difficulties, we are here to support you in that. This time is a challenge for humanity, and humanity is made up of each of us individually

The oak is a symbol of longevity, resilience, firmness, grandiosity and power, stability and inner calm, both in the spiritual and material sense. Its roots are deep in the earth, and its crown in the air, which symbolically unites in us spiritually and materially, concretely and abstractly, soul and body. It is a symbol of life and family; it was celebrated by our ancestors who represent the roots of our life. The oak is a symbol of the celebrated cycle, at the same time a symbol of strength in difficult and turbulent times.

Become stable and powerful like an oak, overcome all unrest and difficulties, we are here to support you in that. This time is a challenge for humanity, and humanity is made up of each of us individually. Nature (viruses as a part of nature) lets us know that we are not the rulers of this planet, that the collective behavior and rule of capital that enslaves the soul and our individuality leads us to self-destruction and, in the long run, to the destruction of life itself. Irresponsible behavior towards everything that life offers us, irresponsible behavior towards future generations and, first and foremost, towards ourselves and our essence.

Today, there is a lack of wise leaders in the world, there is a lack of those who would influence public opinion in the sense of presenting the very notion of wisdom in general. While those who do not have much to say are loud, there are many who can be a model of wisdom in their lives.

Today, values ​​have emerged in the developed world that do not put wisdom first. They do not distinguish intellect and power from these same concepts balanced with wisdom.

What does wisdom mean? People are spiritual beings, everything around us is spiritual. We have already brought our spiritual part by entering this life. It is our essence, our soul, what is inside us. In the current developed system, learning is considered to be the filling of knowledge and information, in the direction from the outside to the inside. And we already carry the most important things in ourselves. One can have an extremely great intellectual ability, vast theoretical and practical knowledge, but without internal communication, without contact with one’s own individuality, detached from the inner part of oneself. Wisdom does not exclude intellect, nor does it deny theoretical and practical knowledge, but strives for wholeness, the unification of all segments of life. Life in the physical sense, existence in the body, is the concretization and materialization of the spiritual.

Today, values ​​have emerged in the developed world that do not put wisdom first. They do not distinguish intellect and power from these same concepts balanced with wisdom. We choose leaders who build their positions on hatred of others, on nationalism, on vulnerability and on calling for conflict. We worship people who are aggressive, so we have to be afraid of them, they keep us in cages, they look at people as numbers and a source of capital. We are afraid to be our own, because a society with false values ​​will disqualify us; we try to be normal, and no one knows how to fully explain what is normal.

Wisdom is not necessarily related to spiritual practice or religion. Many who today think they are spiritual have also been born with a program of collective consciousness that pushes global destiny into a kind of apocalypse.

The situation with the virus is a moment that can lead to sobriety, gives us extra time to think, the opportunity to disintegrate the arrogance of our omnipotence. Many civilizations before us disappeared, because they advanced to a high level with technical development, but they forgot the values ​​of life on Earth, succumbed to arrogance and disrespect of natural laws, created a disorder that returned to them, because nature reacts to great imbalance. This planet can survive without people, people will not survive without it. That is why it is high time to wake up. We got a warning. This warning can make us aware that if we do not have life or health, nothing else is important in our lives. Our health, vitality and life are determined by everything we need every day to survive: air, water, food… If we poison all this in the name of capital, we will destroy our own resources for life. We cannot talk about love for children, nor about love for people, if we act selfishly, without worrying about whether the next generations will be able to live. Because, as a civilization, as a generation, we are collectively brutal, selfish, destructive, parasitic; We are currently the biggest virus in nature, which has been there much longer than us. All the old wisdoms, which glorify nature, know that nature will regenerate if it is destroyed. But the one who destroys it will not witness that revitalization.

Wisdom is not necessarily related to spiritual practice or religion. Many who today think they are spiritual have also been born with a program of collective consciousness that pushes global destiny into a kind of apocalypse. Spiritual and religious branches that celebrate that home is somewhere upstairs, that have taken away spirituality from life, Earth and nature, who believe that in the name of the spiritual man must get rid of the material, that paradise is somewhere outside this life, that life on Earth is almost a punishment, also do not contribute to creating a better tomorrow. Religions that glorify the concept of suffering on earth and salvation beyond it, many new age approaches that promote escape and separation from life, also contribute to this program of non-creation of life. Presence, awareness, wholeness – these are just some of the expressions of wisdom. Wisdom is an approach of association, of wholeness, and we are currently a culture in which separation reigns: it is separated spiritually from the material. The material is thus reduced to something physical, but with an inner emptiness, and the spiritual has no material expression. How many people today work in companies ruled by capital, where human values ​​are not present? This is a new way of slavery. We are bombarded by media, modern communications, vibrations such as established 5G systems, which leads our mind to hypnosis, to the frequency of emptiness and paralysis for internal communication, for presence, for a sense of what we were born for: to feel ourselves, not just be one of a puppet run by some “big brother” system. The puppet doesn’t think for himself, he has to be like everyone else, and he doesn’t even notice that he is a puppet anymore.

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